How would your mindset shift? Each experience? Your life? As I shared with my HS students last week, complaining is a habit, one we often don’t even realize that we are doing.
But what if we could create a habit of finding gratitude in each experience? If not in the moment, then reflecting back on it later in the day and writing it down. It’s in our most difficult moments that it’s most needed.
As many of you know, I kept a gratitude journal when Christopher was on chemo. The treatment was long—2 1/2 years—and I knew there would be good experiences I wouldn’t want to forget. Even on particularly hard days, I still looked for things to be grateful for. It might be the boys’ giggles or a hot cup of tea. Writing it down helped to shift my mindset and soften the sharp edges.
Studies show that keeping a gratitude journal improves sleep, reduces stress and helps us to focus on the positive versus the negative, among other benefits.
Want a challenge? Write down 3-5 things a day for a week or 10 days and notice any shifts. Let me know what you experience. You may surprise yourself.