.What’s pissing you off? What’s taking you out of a place of evenness?
Is it worth it?
Will you still be thinking about it six hours from now or tomorrow?
Or will it be a new thing that is bothering you?
Earlier in the week, our kitchen faucet had a leak, a leak that flooded the cabinet under the sink and a section of the hardwood floors. The first three plumbers I called said they couldn’t come for at least a week, maybe two. I got frustrated but refused to give up. I made six more phone calls. The next day, I had five plumbers calling to fix it. I was grateful, smiling from ear to ear. Nothing could bother me. Until I discovered the hot and cold faucets were on backwards. As I was turning the faucet on, I thought am I really going to let this bring me down? Two days ago, I didn’t even have a working kitchen sink!
That one question – am I really going to let this bother me – stopped my frustration immediately. It seemed frivolous to get worked up over it and exert precious energy.
An emotion only lasts 90 seconds. It’s our thoughts that extend our emotions longer.
We often forget that this life isn’t guaranteed. We don’t know what will happen from one moment to the next. Do we really want to waste time letting _______ bother us?
Jin Shin Jyutsu self-practice: Gently hold your middle finger, either one for three to twenty minutes, when you feel frustrated or angry. This also helps to open the lower back. While practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu, you might notice your belly gurgling, sensation elsewhere in the body or you might twitch. This is you energy seeking to balance.