One Person Can Make A Difference – I Did

It was December, 2016 and one of the doctors on an NBC show, Chicago Fire told a potential donor, ‘bone marrow donation hurts like hell and  you’ll feel it for months.”

That simply wasn’t true and I was afraid that type of misinformation on a popular TV show would discourage people from signing up to donate. A nearly perfect donor backed out when my son, Christopher needed a transplant.

I needed to find a way to get in touch with NBC so they would change their storyline.  So I got in touch with the National Bone Marrow Registry advising them of the situation and asked them to get in touch with NBC to set the record straight. They did just that and in the next episode the language had been changed saying that a donor would miss only a few shifts vs a few months. 

We all have this ability to make a difference. It takes listening to our heart and acting. 

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